Extracting Data from PDFs: Clean Air in Schools

A lot of the maps I have created over the last few years have started out as tabular data in PDF documents. A recent BBC London report contained a dataset obtained from TfL of all the schools in London which are within 150 metres of a road carrying 10,000 vehicles a day or more. The report is a PDF with 21 pages, so editing this manually wasn’t an option and I decided that it was time to look into automatic extraction of tabular data from PDFs. What follows explains how I achieved this, but to start with, here is the final map of the data:

The data for the above map comes from a freedom of information request made to TfL requesting a list London schools near major roads. The request was made by the Clean Air in London group and lists all schools within 150 metres of roads carrying 10,000 vehicles a day or more. The report included a download link to the data, which is in the form of a 21 page PDF table containing the coordinates of the schools:

BBC London Article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-13847843

Download Link to Data:  http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/london/pdf/london_schools_air_quality.pdf

The reason that PDFs are hard to handle is that there is no hard structure to the information contained in the document. The PDF language is simply a markup for placing text on a page, and so only contains information about how and where to render characters. The full PDF 1.4 specification can be found at the following link:


Extracting the data from this file manually isn’t an option, so I had a look at a library called iTextSharp (http://sourceforge.net/projects/itextsharp/), which is a port of the Java iText library into C#. The Apache PDFBox (http://pdfbox.apache.org/ ) project also looked interesting, but I went with iTextSharp for the first experiment. As the original is in Java, so are all the examples, but it’s not hard to understand how to use it. Fairly quickly, I had the following code:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser;

namespace PDFReader
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

public static void ReadPdfFile(string SrcFilename,string DestFilename)
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(DestFilename,false,Encoding.UTF8))
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(SrcFilename);
for (int page = 1; page {
ITextExtractionStrategy its = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.SimpleTextExtractionStrategy();
//ITextExtractionStrategy its = new CSVTextExtractionStrategy();
string PageCSVText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, page, its);

This is one of the iText examples to extract all the text from a PDF and write out a plain text document. The key to extracting the data from the PDF table in the schools air quality document is to write a new class implementing the ITextExtractionStrategy interface to extract the columns and write out lines of data in CSV format.

It should be obvious from the above code that the commented out line is where I have substituted the supplied text extraction strategy class for my own one which I modified to write CSV lines:

ITextExtractionStrategy its = new CSVTextExtractionStrategy();

The CSVTextExtractionStrategy class is defined in a separate file and is part of my “PDFReader” namespace, not “iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser”.

using System;
using System.Text;

using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser;

namespace PDFReader
public class CSVTextExtractionStrategy : ITextExtractionStrategy
private Vector lastStart;
private Vector lastEnd;
private StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); //used to store the resulting string

public CSVTextExtractionStrategy()

public void BeginTextBlock()

public void EndTextBlock()

public String GetResultantText()
return result.ToString();

* Captures text using a simplified algorithm for inserting hard returns and spaces
* @param renderInfo render info
public void RenderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo)
bool firstRender = result.Length == 0;
bool hardReturn = false;

LineSegment segment = renderInfo.GetBaseline();
Vector start = segment.GetStartPoint();
Vector end = segment.GetEndPoint();

if (!firstRender)
Vector x0 = start;
Vector x1 = lastStart;
Vector x2 = lastEnd;

// see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance2-Dimensional.html
float dist = (x2.Subtract(x1)).Cross((x1.Subtract(x0))).LengthSquared / x2.Subtract(x1).LengthSquared;

float sameLineThreshold = 1f; // we should probably base this on the current font metrics, but 1 pt seems to be sufficient for the time being
if (dist > sameLineThreshold)
hardReturn = true;

// Note: Technically, we should check both the start and end positions, in case the angle of the text changed without any displacement
// but this sort of thing probably doesn’t happen much in reality, so we’ll leave it alone for now

if (hardReturn)
//System.out.Println("<< Hard Return >>");
else if (!firstRender)
if (result[result.Length – 1] != ‘ ‘ && renderInfo.GetText().Length > 0 && renderInfo.GetText()[0] != ‘ ‘)
{ // we only insert a blank space if the trailing character of the previous string wasn’t a space, and the leading character of the current string isn’t a space
float spacing = lastEnd.Subtract(start).Length;
if (spacing > renderInfo.GetSingleSpaceWidth() / 2f)
//System.out.Println("Inserting implied space before ‘" + renderInfo.GetText() + "’");
//System.out.Println("Displaying first string of content ‘" + text + "’ :: x1 = " + x1);

//System.out.Println("[" + renderInfo.GetStartPoint() + "]->[" + renderInfo.GetEndPoint() + "] " + renderInfo.GetText());
//strings can be rendered in contiguous bits, so check last character for " and remove it if we need
//to stick two rendered strings together to form one string in the output
if ((!firstRender)&&(result[result.Length – 1] == ‘\"’))
result.Remove(result.Length – 1, 1);
result.Append(renderInfo.GetText() + "\"");
result.Append("\"" + renderInfo.GetText() + "\"");

lastStart = start;
lastEnd = end;

public void RenderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo)

As you can probably see, this file is based on “iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.SimpleTextExtractionStrategy”, but inserts commas between blocks of text that have gaps between them. It might seem like a better idea to parse the structure of the PDF document and write out blocks of text as they are discovered, but this doesn’t work. The London schools air quality example had numerous instances where text in one of the cells (e.g. a school name, Northing or Easting) was split across two text blocks in the pdf file. The only solution is to implement a PDF renderer and extract text using its positioning on the page to separate columns.

The result of running this program on the London schools air quality PDF is a nicely formatted CSV file which took about 5 minutes to edit into a format that I could make the map from. All I had to do was remove the page number and title lines from between the pages and add a header line to label the columns. There were also a couple of mistakes in the original PDF where the easting and northing had slipped a column.

Two Line Elements

Prompted by the final space shuttle launch of Atlantis, I thought I would have another look at two line elements (TLEs). These are coded lines of data that describe the orbital dynamics of a space vehicle. The last time I looked at this was when I was working on a GPS tracking project and we wanted to predict the satellite constellation at a particular time of day, but TLEs can also be downloaded for the shuttle and International Space Station.

NASA’s J-Track shows the shuttle and ISS in near real-time:  http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/tracking/index.html

Image Copyright NASA

The TLE for the shuttle can be downloaded from the following link:


The mathematics to calculate a position from the TLE is published in the NORAD paper entitled “Spacetrack Report Number 3” (1980/1988). A later revision to this paper is also publicly available and there are various ports of the algorithm from Fortran into C, C++ and C#. While investigating this, I stumbled across a very useful library written by Michael F. Henry. It’s called “OrbitTools” and is a C++ and C# (both managed .net) implementation. His download page contains lots of other useful information and links to the spacetrack revised paper:


The next step was to download his C# library and write the code to load the shuttle TLE and convert the position to a location on the Earth. One point worth mentioning here is that the library calculates lat/lons in WGS72 rather than WGS84. The spheroids are slightly different, so there will be some small accuray issues, but it’s close enough for our purposes.

Having downloaded and included the OrbitTools library into a new C# project, the code to calculate the shuttle position is as follows:

const string TleTitle = "SHUTTLE";
const string Tle1 = "1 37736U 11031A 11190.45039996 .00020000 00000-0 20000-3 0 9019";
const string Tle2 = "2 37736 51.6412 48.9000 0077926 223.8647 135.6325 16.00701051 142";

//DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2011, 7, 9, 10, 40, 18, DateTimeKind.Utc);

Tle VehicleTle = new Tle(TleTitle, Tle1, Tle2);
Orbit VehicleOrbit = new Orbit(VehicleTle);
TimeSpan ts = VehicleOrbit.TPlusEpoch(dt); //how old is our TLE?
Eci VehicleEci = VehicleOrbit.GetPosition(dt); //OK, they want GMT, not UTC
CoordGeo VehicleGeoCoord = VehicleEci.ToGeo();
double lat = VehicleGeoCoord.Latitude*180.0/Math.PI;
double lon = VehicleGeoCoord.Longitude*180.0/Math.PI;
double alt = VehicleGeoCoord.Altitude;
if (lon > 180.0f) lon = -(360.0f – lon);
Console.WriteLine(TleTitle+": lat=" + lat + " lon=" + lon + " alt=" + alt);

When this is run, the result written to the console is as follows (apologies for the unnecessary precision, but that’s the output I get):

lat=-25.316480642262878 lon=-60.024030447329437 alt=291.32191224312828

These values are very close to the figures on NASA’s J-Track image reproduced earlier, so we’re close to the official coordinates. When repeating this, it’s important to fix the time in the code to the same time as displayed on the J-Track applet and not just use “DateTime.UtcNow” as is commented out in the code. This is one source of inaccuracy as we’re assuming the position was calculated at zero milliseconds, which might not be the case.

References and Links

NASA J-Track: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/tracking/index.html

OrbitTools C++/C# SGP4/SDP4 Library and other information: http://www.zeptomoby.com/satellites/

TLE Data for STS 135: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/SSapplications/Post/JavaSSOP/orbit/SHUTTLE/SVPOST.html

Original Spacetrack Report Number 3 (1980): http://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/documentation/spacetrk.pdf

Spacetrack Report Number 3 Revisited: http://www.celestrak.com/publications/AIAA/2006-6753/

Other sources of TLE data: http://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/