Using the GMapCreator with 64 Bit Java

Using the GMapCreator on a 64 bit laptop recently, I found myself without access to a 32 bit Java Virtual Machine. As the Windows native version of the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) project that the GMapCreator depends on is 32 bit only, I needed to use the pure Java version of JAI. It’s not immediately obvious how to do this, so I’ve detailed the method as follows:

1. Download and unpack the pure Java version of JAI 1.1.3. As the JAI project web page has recently changed, I’ve put a link to this on the MapTube website. You can download the JAI package from the following link:

2. Extract the files ‘jai_codec.jar’ and ‘jai_core.jar’ from the ‘lib’ directory and place them in the same folder as the gmapcreator.jar file e.g. C:\Program Files\CASA-UCL\GMapCreator if you are using the default installation folder on Windows.

3. Create a file called ‘run-gmc.bat’ in the same directory as GMapCreator.jar containing the following line:

[csharp]java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -classpath jai_core.jar;jai_codec.jar;gmapcreator.jar gmapcreator.GMapCreatorApp[/csharp]

4. Run the GMapCreator by double clicking on the ‘run-gmc.bat’ file.

The same technique can be adapted to work on Linux or Mac. The main advantage of using a 64 bit JVM is that you now have access to a 64 bit address space, so the GMapCreator isn’t limited by the 3GB limit in 32 bit any more.

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